Student Works

"Cardboard Head Project"
Three-Dimensional Design

"Grid Self-Portrait"
Intro to Drawing

 "Egg Carton Creature"
Three-Dimensional Design

"2 Things not normally seen together"
Intro to Drawing

 "Organic Sculpture"
Ceramics 3

"Large Hand-Built Vessel"
Ceramics 3

"2 things you normally don't see together"
charcoal on paper
Intro to Drawing

"Narrative Book Sculpture"
Three-Dimensional Design"

"Historical Ceramic Project"
ceramic, oxides
Figure In Clay

"Historical Ceramic Project"
red earthenware
Figure In Clay

 "10 Things Collage Drawing"
charcoal & photos on paper
Intro to Drawing

 "10 Things Collage Drawing"
charcoal & graphite on paper
Intro to Drawing

"Portrait Project"
ceramic, slips, glazes
Ceramics I

 "Grid Self-Portrait"
charcoal & graphite on paper
Intro to Drawing

"Cup Transformation Maquette"
unfired clay
Ceramics I

"Trash Pile"
Stoneware, cone 10 reduction
Advanced Ceramics

 "Pinched Tea bowl" 
(resist decoration & raku fired)
Ceramics 1

 "Value Self- Portrait"
Ink & paper
Intro to Drawing

"Historical Ceramic Project"
ceramic, slip, stains
Ceramics I

"Heads, Hands, and Feet"
charcoal & white conte on paper
Life Drawing


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